February 21-23 
10-11am PST

What is holding you back? Did you ever stop to think that maybe it's…YOU? 

I am here to tell you that I have been the biggest and I mean BIGGEST problem when it comes to my growth. 

Without realizing it, I often make barriers and hurdles that make moving forward extremely difficult or nearly impossible

Join me for a 3 Day Long Bootcamp on February 21-23 every morning at 10am PST on Zoom where we will unpack some of the ways we get in our own way and learn tools to start to break down those walls. 

I cannot wait to “meet” you and see you there! 

-Shirlee Fisher, host of “The Tillage Podcast”

Free? 3 days? 

Say no more. 

Do you…

Self-sabotage often?

Get held up by perfectionism?

Sell your self short when it comes to naming your price for a commission or an offer? 

Feel like you constantly are playing small and have a hard time dreaming big?

Downplay your experience and get caught up in the dreaded imposter syndrome? 

Let fear get the best of you?

If you are a an artist or creative, you probably could say YES to a lot of those things. We are often the thing standing in our own way to experience more abundance! Are you ready to start doing the work to get out of your own way?

Schedule of Events


DAY 1: 

Art Making and Perfectionism

 Learn strategies to help with perfectionism and remove the fear of “the blank page" when making art.


DAY 2:

Owning Your Worth

Engage in a discussion about money mindset and work through why and if you are selling yourself short.


DAY 3:

Fear of Playing Big + The Tillage Village

Listen to the deep callings within, squash the fear that is holding you back, and learn some ways to move past imposter syndrome.

Learn how The Tillage Village is the place for you to continue to uproot your limiting beliefs in community. 


What can you expect?

Live seminars & Worksheets

Join me every morning at 10am PST/ 1pm EST February 21-23 on Zoom to get you tools and strategies to get out of your own way! You will receive a worksheet at the end of each day for “homework."

a facebook community just for this event

Meet other creatives and artists, post your homework, and continue the conversations we will be having on Zoom!


I know how hard it is to do the work and show up! I am giving away prizes for doing your homework and coming to our meetings! 

A Scholarship for the Tillage village

If you join this event, you will have a chance to win a scholarship for 6 months of The Tillage Village membership! 


Where there be a replay available?

If for whatever reason you can't make it, there will be a replay link sent out to all who sign up!

WHen will i receive my workSheets?

Worksheets for homework will be emailed after each Zoom call and also posted in the Facebook group. 

If i don’t own a business yet, can i still attend?

YES! If you are an artist or creative working towards having your own business, the things discussed in this bootcamp will still be great for you to apply to your life!

If I am not an artist, can I attend?

Much of what I will be teaching on directly relates to artists and creating artwork. If you don't have a practice or creating artwork much of what is discussed might not be applicable for you.  

Where will I get the links to attend the zoom calls?

All zoom links will be emailed to you and a reminder will be sent out the morning before going live. 

How much does this cost?

This entire bootcamp is FREE! Yes, you heard me right. 


I'm Shirlee Fisher, host of The Tillage Podcast, an artist, business owner, mother, and a mentor for creatives based in Southern California. 

In 2018, I received a Masters in Education and a Teaching Credential and I have worked as an Elementary Art Teacher before stepping into the role of being a full-time working artist in January of 2021.

In the past five years, I have had to be strategic, set goals, have accountability, and work through my many limiting beliefs to get to where I am in my creative business today. I now sell my products in over 200 shops in the US and Canada, including Papersource and Anthropologie.